Team Leader
Requested Profile
• Must be a practising Lawyer and a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Ghana
• At least a master's degree in organizational management/Socialogy OR Master's Degree in Information Technology Law: with a good understanding of the role of Information Communications Technology within the justice delivery system / the challenges of the existing CMS technology leverage ecosystem / the High Coun Civil Procedure Rules and its application to the Circuit Courts / the e-Justice CMS Project Design. Goal and Target / the deployment of technology within the CMS and the relevant modification which would have to he done and approached in statutory amendments.
• Proven understanding in technology driven and applied organizational change management and business process reviews across the public and/or private sectors as weil as an understanding of IT issues.
• Experience in working with, or supponing. the devclopment of new and innovative approaches, panicularly in ail areas relating to human resource management.
• Demonstration of relevant understanding in performance management, human resource deve1opment, innovative leaming strategies and incentive programme, knowledge management especially in ICT and/or judicial sector
• Ability to translate strategie thinking and innovative ideas into practical operational recommendations
• Solid analytical. presentation. intcrpersonal. communications. and negotiation skiIls.