Social Specialist

The Mission

Social Specialist


Category 3

Requested Profile

• Social Expert with advanced university degree and at least With, at least, 5 years’ relevant experience in conducting social assessments, designing and conducting surveys and interviews, ESMS, RAP’s; ESMP’s, etc;
• Demonstrate good knowledge and experience of the content and application of WB ESS, including other international Donor Agencies ESS and the World Bank EHS Guidelines;
• Demonstrate to have previous experience of, at least, tree (3) water and sanitation projects of similar financial magnitude;
• Experience in provision of Social oversight, including Stakeholder consultation, Gender, gender-based violence (GBV) and sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) child labour, labour exploitation, Grievance Redress Mechanism, etc.) on infrastructure projects in, at least, three (3) projects with similar characteristics and financial magnitude;
• At least, two (2) years of professional experience in Sub-Saharan African Countries. Work experience in Mozambique will be an advantage; and
• Good working communication skills in English and Portuguese.


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The Project

Services for the Elaboration and Implementation of an Environmental and Social Management System for the Municipalities of Maputo, Nampula, Quelimane and Tete





Project Managers