Technical assistant : Technical assistance for EU’s contribution to the refugee response in Uganda

The Mission

Technical assistant : Technical assistance for EU’s contribution to the refugee response in Uganda


Category 1

Requested Profile

General description of the position: Support the preparation and implementation of the EU’s contribution to the refugee response in Uganda, including notably in terms of policy dialogue, coordination, analysis, identification/formulation and mainstreaming/quality control as well as implementation steering in a continuous effort to enhance performance and foster synergies.
• Expert category: Place of performance - Cat. I (>12 years of experience)
• Qualifications and skills required: -A university degree in social sciences, such as development studies, anthropology, political science, socio-economics, or related fields;
-Experience in project cycle management as well as analytical work in relation to forced displacement and migration.
• General professional experience: -A minimum of 12 years of experience on forced displacement and migration, including management positions
• Specific professional experience: -At least 5 years of experience in relation to forced displacement and migration in the context of Sub-Saharan Africa; -Experiences in East Africa, and in particular Uganda, represent an advantage ; -Proven experience in relation to responding to refugee influxes in a Sub-Saharan context at policy level, coordination mechanisms and projects preparation as well as implementation; -Proven experience
related to the preparation and implementation of EU-funded projects and very good knowledge of EU project cycle management. -Assets represent experience in designing and implementing Team Europe Initiatives; experience related to monitoring compliance with the EU migration marker; as well as experience related to the preparation and implementation of projects funded under EU regional programmes. -Proven experience in mainstreaming of transversal topics across projects and actions, such as conflict sensitivity, humanitarian-development-peace nexus, gender equality, women
empowerment as well as environmental and climate change-related considerations. - Solid analytical and writing skills; -Perfect English language skills;
• Language skills: Level C2 in English
• Number of working days: 400 days
• Additional information: Normal place of posting: Kampala. Please note that the expert’s location in Kampala has to allow a participation to frequent in-person meetings and exchanges by being based in close proximity to the EU Delegations office (Crested Towers Building, 15th Floor, Plot 17-23, Hannington Road, P.O. BOX 5244, Kampala Uganda).


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The Project

Technical assistance for EU’s contribution to the refugee response in Uganda





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